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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
pan pizza +pot 30
plant circle & pot 1
popular +pot 5, 16, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31
r.k. NO.7 tea +pot & cup 30
rajbhog +pot 29
restaurant SHAGUN +pot 42
rpj +pot 14
sagar PROPRO +hands & pot 31
sarvashresht +pot & cup 30
sf SATYAM good food +pot 30
shagun thali +pot & circle 16
shakti BHOG M +child & pot 29
shakti RAJ M +child & pot 29
shree AMRIT KALASH +pot 30
shree KALASH +pot & leaves 31
shree PRASAD +pot 3
shree ROADWAYS LTD. +pot 16
pot 3
shree SHELTERS +pot triangl 36
shree SHRADDHA JEWELS +pot 35
shree SHYAM JI +flute & pot 29
shree SIDDHI +pot 31
shri KALASH +pot 11
shubh labh SOTEX rice +pot 30
special KALASCHHAP +pot 34
spiritual living +pot & ova 42
stronger +pot & ovals 9
sun pot & god 16
sun drop pot & hands 29
super KALASH brand +pot 29
swasthya ayurvedic +pot 5
tea pot 30
tea pot GOLD +pot & cup 30
tea REN +pot 30
tea TIME +pot 30
tea pot GOLD +pot & cup 30
time star tea +star pot cup 30
woman pot & oval 31, 34
woman & pot 16, 29, 30
pot 30
IPL potash the original 1
PRATHISTA bio-potash 1
BECOLISER potassium citrate 5
potato MAGIC 29
potato POPZ 29, 30
EURO farali potato wafers 30
FLA potato chips 29
FRITTS wheat potato puffs 30
FRYO potato chips +oval 30
GAZAB potato wafers 30
GOPALJI potato chips 29
JAY potato waffers 30
KASTURI potato chips 29
KUBER GINNIES potato chips 30
KUBER ginnies potato chips 29
MTR potato sagu 30
MY MOM'S 999 potato chips 30
PICKK potato chips +cartoon 29
ROCKERS potato chips +faces 29
ROCKERS potato chips +men 29
RON'S potato chips +triangl 29
SHAH namkeen potato chips 30
SHALIMAR potato pillors 8
SHRI CHIRAG potato chips 30
SIMBA potato pops 29, 30
SWAMI potato chips +face 30
TIFFANY potato sticks 30
cutos dried potato +face 30
R.C.M. potatoes 31
W WELGA potatoz +trident 29
WALGA potatoz 29
potential +circle & triangl 42
BMM cements potential tonne 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
DYUP unlimited potential 41
URBAN POTLI +stick & potli 35
NIRULA'S potpourri +ribbon 42
rani chhap +potrait & flowe 2
pots 6, 7, 8
pots & circle 34
pots & faces 43
pots & oval 34
AHG +pots 34
AMIRAS deshi ghee +pots 29
AMRITA +pots 5, 31
AMUL +pots 29
ANGITHI DHAANI +pots & arcs 32, 43
ANUJ GOLD +pots & flowers 29
ANUPAMA iodised salt +pots 30
AR +pots chulah & circle 5
pots 5
BLS +pots 3
CORAL +pots & gods 3
DABRI +cups & pots 30
DABUR HINGOLI +pots & plant 5
DD DA-DEG restaurant +pots 43
DESHAWAR +man & pots 42
DOUBLE KALASH brand +pots 30, 31
FABLAR BONUS +pots & pans 21
FARRATA +pots & face 3
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